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Friday, May 19, 2006


Last December, I created my first print ad. Back then, I wondered what I would regret.

Well, it turns out, all of it. For some reason, they changed the background to black, and so had to re-do all of the text. In the process, they lost all of the information about the Wolf Sanctuary, leading several people to email me asking why we have a photo of a wolf in our ad; and they transposed two digits in the phone number, leading several people to call someone else asking why we have a photo of a wolf in our ad!

20,000 copies of the directory have already been distributed, so there's nothing I can do about those. I'm working to get the other 15,000 copies corrected, but the logistics are daunting--to print a 3"x5" correction will take eight reams of paper, and at 5 seconds per copy, it will take three days to stuff them! That's not including the cost to print and ship these (all 37 pounds) to Dawn, which may exceed the cost of the original ad! Plus I have to apologize to the person getting our calls, and beg him to give out the correct number.

The worst part is, I can't even blame them. Okay, I don't understand why they messed with the ad and screwed up the text, but they sent us a proof and we never reviewed it, so I only have myself to blame. I hate when that happens.

The new phone is (877) EST-1760, and now we're looking to open in July


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