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Saturday, July 02, 2005

1784 agreement

After Dawn picked me up at the airport, we picked out an engagement ring, then went to the Lebanon County Historic Society and got a copy of the original agreement transferring Speedwell Forge from James Old to his son-in-law, Robert Coleman. (You can see which of those interests me more.) I'd never held a 200-year old document before; that was pretty cool. Christine, the librarian, not only made us a copy, but she scanned it in and burned a CD as well!

What's really interesting about this document is how easy it is to read. Bear in mind, 200 hundred years ago handwriting was much different than today, and Webster didn't publish the first dictionary until 22 years after this was written. Except for the stylized "s" (looks like an "f"), this could have been written yesterday. Note the reference to Pennsylvania money -- the dollar wasn't adopted until 1786, and Pennsylvania didn't enter the Union until 1787!

Click to enlarge
It says:
Articles of Agreement made and concluded upon
by and Between James Old of Lancaster County Iron Master
of the One Part And Robert Coleman of the said Count Iron
Master of the other Part Witnessing that the said James
Old has agreed and hereby doth agree in Consideration of the
Sum of Seven Thousand Pounds lawful Money of
Pennsylvania in Gold or Silver to be paid as herein after
mentioned to him his Heirs Executor Administratory or Assigns
by the said Robert Coleman his Heirs Executors or Administrator
to grant bargain and sell assure and convey unto the
said Robert Coleman his Heris and Assigns All that
Capital Messuage [a dwelling house and its adjacent buildings and land] or Lands commonly called or known
by the Name of Speedwell Forge Lands and of and
in all other the Lands Tenements Hereditaments [any property that can be inherited] & Premises
to the said James Old belonging Situate in the Townships of
Warwick, Elizabeth & localties Together with all Singular
the Appurtenances Tools & Utensils (Except one half of the
grain in the Ground) Which Grant & Assurance shall be
made on or before the first day of May next by
the said James Old & Margaret his Wife to the said Robert
Coleman his Heirs and Assigns for ever free from all Incumbrances And the said
Robert Coleman for himself his Heirs Exector or Admn.
doth hereby Covenant and agree to pay the said James
Old his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns the
Sum of Seven thousand Pount in Manner following
that is to say Two thousdand five hundred Pounds part thereof
on the first day of May next of four Hundred & fifty Pounds
Pounds on the first day of May for ten Years next following
without Interest. In Witness whereof the said Parties have
hereunto set their Hand & Seals the second Day of April
in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty
Four It is agreed before Sealing & Delivery that the
Bond from William Old to the said Robert Coleman is to
be Discounted in the first Payment--

Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of us James Old
William Coleman
Henry Good

Received May 7th, 1784 of Robert Coleman two Thousand
five Hundred Pounds in full for the first Payment of
Speedwell Forge. I say received by me James Old
[I have no idea what this word is]
Charles Faupel
William Coleman


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